Have a perfect smile!

The Sandstone Newsletter – October 2022

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Serendipity Seals Expansion
for The Sandstone Dental Practice

Some things are just meant to be and the expansion of our business is one of those very things.

This year, Kate Blundell and Fadi Jarad celebrated the fifth anniversary of Sandstone Dental. We are delighted to announce we have now taken ownership of Sunlight Orthodontics in Port Sunlight, which will be renamed Sunlight Dental Practice.

Fadi stumbled upon The Sandstone Dental Practice after a meal out in Heswall some seven years ago and when it became available, he and Kate jumped at the chance to achieve one of their shared ambitions. A few years, many new services and a pandemic later, we decided that we wanted to open a second facility, growing the business and allowing us to continue to serve the community with high-quality specialist and general dental care. Unable to find somewhere to buy, we found a rented space and just as Kate was about to sign the paperwork, she had a strange feeling that she shouldn’t. Trying to put the feelings to one side, she headed to the solicitors only to realise that she hadn’t taken the right paperwork with her and would have to come back another day. Of course, this could have just been nerves, but when Kate got home and checked her laptop there was an email informing her that Sunlight Orthodontics was up for sale – a building they could own with room for expansion – this was exactly what they had been searching for! To add to the coincidence, this all happened on the anniversary of Kate’s Mum passing away and, if that wasn’t enough of a sign, as Fadi and Kate looked at the write-up and images of the practice, the most incredible rainbow appeared out of the drizzle..
Kate Says

“We just stared at each other and said, ‘another sign’ as anyone who knows me will tell you, that every time I see a rainbow I think of my Mum. Fadi said, ‘we have to think really seriously about this, even if it means changing all our plans!’ So we arranged a viewing as soon as we could and put an offer in and, thankfully, it was accepted!” Fast forward a few months and just as they were about to unveil their plans to their staff, they had a last-minute request to change the date of exchange…to Kate’s Mum’s birthday! Call it heaven sent, call it serendipity, call it coincidence - whatever you call it - one thing is for sure is that the future is looking good for these ambitious partners and the new-look Sunlight Dental Practice.

Sunlight Dental Practice will be open and ready to offer a range of new services from mid-October 2022.
We’d like to thank you for choosing our practice and for your continued support.